Mac's Random Rants and Commentaries on Life

Unique Insight into Life's Little Mysteries (but mostly just snide critisism)

Friday, March 19, 2004

Cash or Credit?

Mr. Teaches-by-Television has done it again. Only now he's Teaches-by-CD.

We listened to Johnny Cash's song The Man Comes Around in Teachings of Christ today. Why, you ask? I have no idea...he just wanted us to hear the song. I'm still trying to figure out the only guess is that Jesus Christ and Johnny Cash have the same initials. Makes about as much sense as anything else. You can view the words to the song here.

The song seems to be based around the imagery found in the book of Revelation, with a few special touches from the man in black. My guess is that the teacher likes the song because of this line:

There's a man goin' 'round takin' names.
An' he decides who to free and who to blame.

That's funny...I thought Christ made a once-and-for-all sacrifice on the cross for ALL mankind, not just a select few. But then again, Teaches-by-television believes that it was only for the elect. Stupid me, I guess.

The other highlight of the class was when he informed us that the road to the crucifixion is known as the "Dia Valorosa." Man, and all this time I thought that it was the VIA DOLOROSA. Once again, stupid me. Apparently Christ carried His cross on account of valor, not along the way of suffering. I guess I need to brush up on my Latin.

I don't try to be this mean, it's just that I'm constantly surrounded by incompetence. Until tomorrow, stay cool...because it is predestined after all.


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