Mac's Random Rants and Commentaries on Life

Unique Insight into Life's Little Mysteries (but mostly just snide critisism)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy

I know, I know, I don't update like I should. Get over it!

I was paying the yearly taxes on the Frontier the other day (you have to pay property tax on vehicles in SC, don't ask me why...), and got to thinking-I shouldn't have to pay some of those taxes. Don't get me wrong-I think we should pay taxes on some things. I like having roads to drive on. I like having police and fireman to protect me. What bugs me is the fact that a large percentage of my tax dollars go to the public schools. I do not attend public school. I have no kids in public school. I will never have any kids in public school. Public schools are, in my humble but accurate opinion, completely worthless. I should not have to spend a dime on them.

Pretty descent rant...not bad.


  • At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You r a idiot! Everbody noes Americns r the smartst peeple in the world, coz of our wondrful public school sistm. support free public educaion!!!!


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