Mac's Random Rants and Commentaries on Life

Unique Insight into Life's Little Mysteries (but mostly just snide critisism)

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Passing Through, Broken, and Irish Drinking Songs

Well, believe it or not...I don't really have anything to rant about today. It's been a pretty good day, actually-with the highlight being band practice tonight.

The school was nice enough to let us *borrow* their sound system, so we had so cool audio going and even got to record a little bit. We managed to get a decent recording of Passing Through, and recorded about 8 minutes of us goofing around (that's where the Irish drinking song part comes in.) We also got a little time in practicing Broken. All in all, it was a pretty good practice session. Hopefully we'll be able to get a few demos posted up for ya'll soon.

That's about all I gots for tonight...slow news day, I know-but we'll see what tomorrow brings. So, until tomorrow, remember: Brian Doesn't Like It.


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